Thursday, July 12, 2007

How the World Sees PR Professionals

I love a trade show. It's the one place I can go where beautiful women warmly take my hand and shower me with attention. The wonderful glow lasts about 30 seconds 'til the booth bunnies learn I'm just a PR guy. Then they look like they've stepped in something unpleasant.

To many, PR is a reviled profession. "Flaks" are seen as liars and con artists who will say whatever they're paid to, and avoid the truth at all costs if it compromises a client. Unfortunately, that characterization fits in some instances. Witness the ludicrous statements and flat-out lies that emanate from press officers representing the highest offices and biggest corporations in the land. But these folk don't represent the majority.

PR people perform a vital function. We are the "middle men" who represent the world's leaders to those who report on them. Part artist, part researcher and part salesperson, a good PR person has the skills to craft a good story from raw information, match it to the right journalist, and sell it into a public venue. The best have an innate ability to discern great stories that "sell themselves" on merit, and to shelve news that is second-tier. Some will go so far as to tell a journalist, "Honestly, this story is not that big a deal." When they come back later with a hot item, the reporter knows it's for real.

One of the nicest compliments I ever received came from Mike Mills, the former telecom beat reporter for The Washington Post. I'd just launched my agency and asked Mike to be a reference for a potential client. Asked about my credentials, Mike simply said:

"The thing about Jim is -- when he calls I know it's important."

I try to live up to that assessment every day. It helps me look clients, reporters and even booth bunnies straight in the eye.


Jim Crawford said...

bla bla

Unknown said...

One of the nicest compliments I ever received came from Mike Mills, the former telecom beat reporter for The Washington Post.

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